VECO embarked on its journey in 2018, inspired by DASH's innovative blend of proof-of-work and masternode technologies. Initially established as a hybrid coin, it sought to combine the security of mining with the incentives of masternode ownership. However, after a significant update in 2022, the original developer decided to part ways with the project, leading to a temporary halt in the blockchain's activity.

As we approached the end of 2023, a dedicated group of blockchain enthusiasts and masternode supporters breathed new life into VECO. This small but passionate community has since been at the helm, steering the project with dedication and innovative vision. Their commitment has not only revitalized VECO but also ensured its continuous development and maintenance.

Here is a summary of what has been achieved since the relaunch of the blockchain and what we are working on:

Start a new blockexplorer

Listing on the user-friendly exchanges FreiXLite and XredX

Listing at DogeCash (Web/Android Wallet/Exchange)

Release Lightwallet Client

Masternode Hosting Service

Loyalty Rewards Program

Mining Pool Service

Unique NFT minting service (Immuntable Gallery)

Update information at Coingecko, Coinpaprika, etc. 🚧
Add new unique and entertaining features. 🚧
Build a community with fresh ideas 🚧

Add PoS sister coin, Wrapping, DEX, ...

VECO (2024)